Monday, 31 October 2011

Bali Mach #2

We made it back to Bali on Sunday night after completely uneventful Malaysia Airlines flight... Well, pretty much uneventful, although I did have to laugh when a woman who was traveling with an infant was asked to move out of the emergency exit row seat (that she had commandeered during the flight) for landing. The stewardess patiently and politely explained that she had to go back to her assigned seat for landing as it was a safety risk for her to sit blocking the emergency exit row.

Now usually, I'm pretty skeptical about all rules connected to supposed safety risks on planes... They're often complete bullshit excuses designed to keep all the passengers quiet and in line. However, in this instance it's pretty obvious why you need either a clear path to the emergency door, or a person sitting there capable of operating the door themselves.

This woman rolled her eyes so high I though they might disappear forever and made pointed gestures at her sleeping kid. "Like, he's sleeping, okay. This is nature's miracle, and it cannot be disturbed." Poor stewardess - they don't even have the luxury of being able to use sarcasm at idiot passengers :(

She did eventually move, but she huffed and puffed up a storm and took her sweet time about it. Lady, it's for your own safety!! Ahhh, entitled, but clueless parents, one of the joys of traveling!! I just don't get some people...

Rant over.


So not too much has been happening in the last few days. It's nice to be in Bali again. The rainy season has started, so it's really really humid during the day and then pours for a while and then the nights are really pleasant... Until it starts to get humid again. I don't mind the humidity, although it does give me giant, ridiculous hair... Phil, of course looks his usual calm, tanned, hair-appropriate self...

We're here for pretty much the whole of November, except for a short trip to Darwin in three weeks.

We don't really have any plans as such, but I do want to take a surfing lesson, or two. There are surf schools dotted all along the beach that offer a half day introductory course, which should be fairly silly. I went on a surfing camp in year 10 and could barely lug the board into the water. I think the surf schools offer a guarantee that you'll be standing by the end of the day... They might have to glue my feet to the bottom of the surfboard to make good on that one... We'll see. I did see a dog surfing the other day - not on a board with it's human, but by itself!! The owner got the dog to jump on the board, towed it to the waves and then let the board go. It looked amazing - I was too slow for a photo, but I'll try and hunt them down another day.

There's also a cooking class I'm keen to try, although it's very pork/ chicken based and both Phil and I have gone almost vegetarian. At least Phil has gone vegetarian and I think chicken is 99% a vegetable anyway. And smoked salmon obviously doesn't count...


Wow, all I wanted to do was write a short post to let y'all know we were safely back in town and it's turned into a rambling post about surfing dogs and chicken as a vegetable... Scary!

We're fine here. Have a great Cup Day holiday my Melbourne friends!

- Posted using vegetarian chicken labour

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