Friday, 28 October 2011

Media, movies and storms, oh my!

So the media frenzy surrounding a certain traveling couple continued this week with this article appearing in The New Straits Times, which is the more serious Malaysian newspaper. We even got a full colour portrait of a handsome, smiling Phil, with quotes**:

(NB: there is a huge gap between the picture and the text because I am using a new app, the awesome powers of which will become apparent a bit further down.)

Ironically, while the tabloidy Star newspaper more or less quoted us accurately, the New Straits Times just made up some stuff and claimed I said it.

Apparently, I said:

"We heard about this event from friends and public messages... We are amazed by the racial unity here".

Huh???? It's not a quote that really flows off the tongue for a native English speaker now is it? And although I am genuinely amazed by the racial unity in Malaysia, I didn't say it. Mebbe they're psychic??

According to the article, we were also at a Deepavali open house last year... Which is impressive because this time last year we were somehow simultaneously in Germany... Spooky!!

Since we have been pretty low-key (read "lazy") over the last couple of days, there isn't much news to post. Unless you want to hear about Real Steel, the Hugh Jackman movie about fighting robots which are meant to have replaced human boxing because they provide more violence and carnage**, or my kleptomania when it comes to hotel-issued shower caps... No??? Didn't think so... Moving on

Tonight really should have yielded a bit of a story and a few photos - we arranged for dinner at the restaurant at the top of KL tower - a very tall sightseeing spot. Which houses not just a restaurant, but a revolving restaurant. I've always want to go to a revolving restaurant, so I was moderately psyched.

But at the exact moment we were set to leave... crash, boom... in the form of a massive electrical storm that lasted for hours.

Here is the storm from our room. This shot is actually mine. I got it on my second attempt - woo hoo... Of course Phil eventually got a bunch of awesome shots of lightning and I only got this one, which is pretty lame, but it does serve my blogging purposes...

(BTW, do you see the awesomeness of the new app?? I can write on the photo and stuff... Looking at it again now, I'm not at all sure that's how one spells lightning - oops. Ach, I cannae be bothered doing it again.)

The pouring rain alone would have made it difficult and very slow to get there in a taxi in the first place and I was also kind of reluctant to go to a tall lightening rod of a building during a massive electrical storm...

KL Tower

So we eventually conceded defeat and stayed in... For the hotel's Friday night BBQ buffet. And stayed so long using the wifi in the restaurant that the poor staff eventually had to ask us to get out.

Oh yeah, it's a spitfire pace we keep on the road.

- Posted using idleness even a sloth would envy

** in case you are burning to know whether robot fighting would be more entertaining to watch than regular boxing, it really, really wasn't. If a mischievious film projectionist had spliced in some real boxing matches, we all would have been vastly better entertained...

Location:Lorong 1/77a,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia

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